Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Impact of Outdoor Air Pollution Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Impact of Outdoor Air Pollution - Assignment Example Chen and Goldberg conducted a study whose results reveal a 6% rise in non-accidental deaths for every 10 ÃŽ ¼g/m3 rise in fine particles, independent of gender, age, and geographic region. The results were derived from a linear exposure-response pattern whereby mortality rose exponentially with rising concentrations of fine particles. Air pollution, therefore, recognizes no national boundaries and may be transported over long distances. Even at current levels, air pollution is a threat to entire populations. It is an increasing global problem yet no serious efforts have been made towards addressing the issue. Evidence from present and past epidemiological studies strongly supports stringent standards against air pollution, especially from particles, in Canada and other countries. More than three million people die from outdoor air pollution across the world every year. An equal number of people also suffer from a wide range of heart diseases. Societies bear huge costs in terms of ill health and lives lost. Extensive new epidemiological evidence from the OECD estimations of the Value of Statistical Life and the 2010 Global Burden of Disease study inform this report as to the health impacts arising from air pollution and associated economic costs. This chapter explores certain policy implications of the costly burden of the health effects of outdoor air pollution. The argument in the chapter revolves around the need to establish and maintain strong regulatory regimes – particularly strict vehicle standards regimes – and the need to rethink the tax and regulatory settings for diesel vehicles. In addition, the chapter shows that the advantages of lowering the economic cost burden arising from air pollution could easily topple the monetary costs of investing in programs of mitigation and that it is crucial to rethink approaches to investment appraisals. The findings of the report

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Quality of Service of Voice over Internet Protocol for Enterprise Use Essay

Quality of Service of Voice over Internet Protocol for Enterprise Use - Essay Example Unless quality of VoIP reaches quality level suitable as an enterprise product, the demand for VOIP will not be fully realized. Developments in VoIP have been able to establish not only as a communication option but as a valuable e-service as well. However, there remains to be key issues that are critical in its adoption into companies or as an enterprise. The main issue is regarding its cost and the quality of services (Biddlecombe, 2005). In 2004, the telecommunications industry saw the launch of mass-market VoIP services that followed the traditional interface models of Plain Old Telephone System (POTS) and by 2005, free services began their entry to the market (Dean, 2003). Among the first one to offer services for free ware Skype which remains to be a significant market leader today. Following the success of Skype other online services began to include VoIP as part of their interface and retooled products as seen in the launch of Microsoft's Window Messenger Live, Yahoo's Yahoo Messenger with Voice and Google's Google Talk among others. However, the greatest potential for VoIP use is in corporate applications. The main benefit is in the communication and networking capacity it can provide. The utilization of VoIP operations using it to traffic PSTN calls locally and internationally (Cave & Mason, 2001). IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS's) have allowed the incorporation of internet technologies into current systems as well facilitated the actual interface of VoIP infrastructure with PSTN and mobile phones ("Voice over IP", 2006). However, most industry analysts believe that the major issue that companies consider in shifting an IP communications system is its ability to suit the operations and needs of the company (Dean, 2003). It is easy to understand this concern because VoIP adaptation costs a significant amount of capital and maintenance. The service desired is one that does not only exceed traditional PSTN communications but also one that is the most cost effective, easiest to maintain and upgrade. At the moment, there is no standard model for the evaluation of VoIP systems and since it is still being developed, standards of performance are also continually changing (Loyola et al, 2006). The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has already set standards for security and communication standards of VoIP service but has yet to be able to cope up with more comprehensive service standards (Hickman, 1998). It is estimated that as the quality of VoIP services increase, the greater its potential to be the premiere communication revolution of the age. VoIP services is not seen just as a revolutionary means of communication but it is the most significant development in the convergence of modern communication technologies. Quality of Service: QoS VoIP quality and reliability has been progressed as networking hardware, software and the speed of internet connections. Paul Travis (2005) estimates that by 2010, VoIP will already adapted by the majority American households, institutions and business. Though the primary consideration according to most studies is the cost of VoIP, analysts believe

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Environmental Protection Agency

The Environmental Protection Agency The Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, was founded on the premise to protect human health and the environment in 1970 under the Nixon administration (U.S Environmental Protection Agency). Since then, the federal government agency has put legislation and programs into action concerning our environment and our nations health. With the constant change in climate, population, and issues, the EPA has had to adapt to a growing concern from the public. The EPAs mission has remained to promote a healthy and safe environment, and they have initiated several programs nationwide to provide consumers with energy conserving products to reduce waste and conserve resources in America. Although the EPAs intention has been centered on the well being of the country from the start, the agency has received opposing opinions and controversy. Discussed in this paper will be three critical issues the EPA regulates, three voluntary programs put into action by the EPA, and some major conflicts the agen cy has faced since its introduction. Before the creation of the EPA, the federal government had no regulating control over environmental pollutants. Concerns of pollution sparked national attention after the 1969 fire on the Cuyahoga River in Ohio. Time magazine described the Cuyahoga as the river that oozes rather than flows and in which a person does not drown but decays (Great Lakes). Sending concern throughout the country about toxic waste and pollution, the Cuyahoga River incident began a chain of legislation including the Clean Water Act, and later the founding of the federal Environmental Protection Agency and the smaller Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. The Clean Water Act became the primary federal law in the United States battle with water pollution (Clean Water Act). The Cuyahoga River incident and legislation that followed was only the beginning of the governments involvement and concern with the environment. Before 1969 was Rachel Carsons research of the dangers of pesticides to our environment which s he published in her book Silent Spring in 1962. The biologist warned against the effects of DDT, a synthetic pesticide. Carsons early introduction of the dangers of pollution didnt spark public interest until the later 1960s after the Cuyahoga River incident. The American public began to react to the issue of pollution on the earth and by 1970 more than 50% of Americans were rating pollution a top issue (Harmon 34). Legislation continued to be passed in the late 1960s, including the Air Quality Act of 1967 which provided federal guidelines for monitoring and guarding the quality of air we breathe, but no national standards were set (Harmon 34). The government began to take control. In 1969, under the Nixon administration, President Richard M. Nixon created the Environmental Quality Council; a panel that would address pollution concerns and advise him the necessary actions. This was another step forward for government control of environmental pollution. Shortly after, Nixon signed Co ngress National Environmental Policy Act, or NEPA. The act required planners of new construction to review and study the environmental impacts of their projects. This led to the installation of the Environmental Protection Agency, collaborating smaller government programs and bureaus with different environmental concerns. Under a single umbrella agency, the EPA could now tackle the nations environmental issues. Following the passage of NEPA, the United States experienced its first Earth Day on April 22, 1970. Millions of Americans participated in demonstrations across the country to draw attention to the environmental problems. Soon after, local and state organizations were created to find solutions to the growing issue. The federal government also got its big break for environmental control when Nixon proposed the Reorganization Plan No. 3 to combat the fact that our national government today is not structured to make a coordinated attack on the pollutants which debase the air we b reathe, the water we drink, and the land that grows our food (Reorganization Plan). The Plan organized various aspects of existing federal departments including the Department of the Interior and the Department of Health to create a collaborated federal effort to establish and enforce environmental protection standards, conduct environmental research, provide assistance to others combating environmental pollution, and assist the CEQ in developing and recommending to the President new policies for environmental protection (Lewis). The Environmental Protection Agency proved a great move in the direction toward environmental awareness and protection for years to come. When Nixon created the EPA, he appointed William D. Ruckelshaus as the first head of the agency in 1970. Since then, a total of 12 administrators have led the EPA; including the current administrator Lisa P. Jackson who took over in 2009. Jackson was nominated in 2008 by Barack Obama for her experience in the field. Prior to her role as administrator, Jackson worked 16 years for the EPA, Chief of Staff in New Jersey during John S. Corzines term, and also the Commissioner of New Jerseys Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Jackson was appointed in January of 2009, where she promised as Administrator, I will ensure EPAs efforts to address the environmental crises of today are rooted in three fundamental values: science-based policies and programs, adherence to the rule of law, and overwhelming transparency. By keeping faith with these values and unleashing innovative, forward-thinking approaches we can further protect neighborhoods and communities throughout the country (Jack son). As Administrator, Jackson stated seven priorities after her first year; taking action on climate change, improving air quality, assuring safety of chemicals, cleaning up EPAs committees, protecting Americas waters, expanding the conversation on environmentalism and working for environmental justice and building strong state and tribal partnerships (Jackson). The major issues the EPA tackles include air pollution, climate change, environmental emergencies, green living, health and safety, land and clean up, pesticides chemicals and toxics, waste, and water pollution. The three discussed will be air pollution, water pollution, and hazardous waste and toxins. Air pollution was a growing concern before the creation of the EPA, but since then the agency has passed legislation and founded programs to control this growing threat. EPAs mission on air pollution is to protect and improve air quality in order to avoid or mitigate the consequences of air pollutions harmful effects (Learn the Issues: Air). Among the first legislation pushed by the EPA was The Clean Air Act. The Clean Air Act is the law that defines EPAs responsibilities for protecting and improving the nations air quality and the stratospheric ozone layer (Clean Air Act). Initially created in 1963, the act has experienced its changes in 1970 and 1990 with the change in climate. The Clean Air Act was a serious step in the right direction for government involvement with the environment. By addressing air pollution, the EPA could enact standards ensuring the issue was under control. The amended Clean Air Act in 1990 proposed solutions for addressing acid rain, ozone depletion, and tox ic air pollution. This included vehicle emissions in which the EPA had to set control standards for. The Clean Air Act also required the EPA to set National Ambient Air Quality Standards for six common air pollutants. The six include ground-level ozone, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and lead. Of the six pollutants, particle pollution and ground-level ozone are the most widespread health threat according to the EPA (Six Common Air Pollutants). These severe pollutants are called criteria pollutants according to the because of their regulation of the human-health and/or environmentally based science-based guidelines for setting permissible levels (Six Common Air Pollutants). Another major issue addressed by the EPA is water pollution. The agency acknowledges water in coral reefs, drinking water, ground water, lakes, oceans and coastal estuaries, rivers and streams, storm water, wastewater, watersheds, and wetlands. Water is not only used for drinking, it also holds purpose for household needs, recreation, fishing, transportation and commerce. Like air pollution, water pollution was a concern long before the founding of the EPA. However, since its creation, the agency has supported legislation and created programs to keep our limited supply of water on earth clean. The EPAs mission for water pollution is [enforcing] federal clean water and safe drinking water laws, [providing] support for municipal wastewater treatment plants, and [taking] part in pollution prevention efforts aimed at protecting watersheds and sources of drinking water (Water Topics). The EPA issued substantial legislation with the passing of the Clean Water Act in 1970-80s, which include d the Federal Water Pollution Control Amendments of 1972, expanding on the Federal Water Pollution Control Amendments of 1948 and was further amended in the Clean Water Act of 1977 and the Water Quality Act of 1987. The Clean Water Act or CWA as it is referred was introduced around 1972 with the addition of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), which is still in existence today. The NPDES permitted a system for regulating point sources (EPA NPDES). These point sources included industrial facilities, municipal governments and other government facilities, and some agricultural facilities. By regulating the pollutants from these major sources and homes across the country, the EPA is able to significantly improve the quality of our nations water. Another important piece of legislation pushed by the EPA is the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) passed in 1974. With a number of threats to drinking water: improperly disposed of chemicals, animal wastes, pesticides, human wastes, wastes injected deep underground, and naturally-occurring substances it is no question this act is completely necessary in our country (Safe Drinking Water Act). Amendments were made to the original act including in 1986 and 1996 which required actions to protect drinking water and its sources: rivers, lakes, reservoirs, springs, and ground water wells (Safe Drinking Water Act). The SDWA affects every single public water system in the country and according to the EPA, there are more than 160,000 public water systems providing water to Americans every day. The EPA and its programs work every day to ensure the safety of our drinking water and the water that surrounds us for our health and well being. Another huge, and more recent, issue among the EPA is toxic and hazardous waste. As defined by the EPA, hazardous waste is a liquid, solid, contained gas, or sludge waste that contains properties that are dangerous or potentially harmful to human health or the environment (Wastes). Because of the introduction of chemicals and engineered unnatural substances and bi-products of industry, the EPA has had to address the growing issue. Major legislation passed concerning hazardous waste was in 1976 with the passage of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, commonly known as RCRA. RCRA was approved by Congress to to address the increasing problems the nation faced from our growing volume of municipal and industrial waste (History of RCRA). RCRA provided national standards for protecting human health and the environment from the potential hazards of waste disposal, conserving energy and natural resources, reducing the amount of waste generated, and ensuring that wastes are managed in a n environmentally-sound manner (History of RCRA). By creating these standards, the RCRA was able to manage Americas growing waste crisis. To promote this, the RCRA enacted three programs; a solid waste program, a hazardous waste program, and an underground storage tank (UST) program. The RCRA also banned all open dumping of waste and encouraged responsible acts such as source reduction and recycling. The RCRA deals with current and future facilities and has been amended in two occasions; the Federal Facility Compliance Act of 1992 which strengthened enforcement of RCRA at federal facilities, and the Land Disposal Program Flexibility Act of 1996 which provided regulatory flexibility for specific wastes (History of RCRA). The EPA continues to strive to protect and ensure the safety of American citizens and the environment. Over the years, the EPA has created numerous programs, each devoted specific tasks including conserving energy, water, and air quality. These programs address modern issues that have been created recently concerning over-usage and waste of natural materials and energy. Efficiency has become a hot topic as programs like Energy Star, Water Sense, and fuel efficient cars have hit the market. Energy Star, one of the most successful EPA programs, was created in 1992 as a voluntary labeling program designed to identify and promote energy-efficient products to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (History: Energy Star). At its introduction, Energy Star began by labeling computers and monitors. By 1995, however, Energy Star labels were displayed on office equipment and even domestic heating and cooling appliances. In 1996, Energy Star progressed and partnered with the U.S Department of Energy to fully expand its energy efficient label. Saving Americans $18 billion in 2010 alone, Energy Star has become an innovative ally in the energy efficiency market. From dishwashers to light bulbs, Energy Star has created convenient blue energy saving labels for the American consumer. Saving energy isnt the only reward to using Energy Star products. Consumers who choose Energy Star products receive tax deductions as well as long term savings. According to the EPA, to rate an Energy Star label t he appliances as well as computers, lighting and about 50 other products generally use 20 to 30 percent less energy than required by federal standards (Tugend). By supplying newer, more energy efficient products and appliances, old ones can also be traded out for recycling. By taking away old appliances, Energy Star creates a convenient way to become green in America. Not only are consumers awarded for purchasing Energy Stat labels, but small businesses have also been recognized for efficiency. Annually, the EPA awards small businesses across the country for their energy saving efforts. In 2010, nine businesses were honored the award including AutoFair Companies of Manchester, N.H. and Dagher Engineering of New York, N.Y. According to a statement by the EPA, through effective energy management practices and innovative efficiency solutions, all nine organizations demonstrate that no matter the size, it is possible to save money and use significantly less energy and to power the bui ldings where Americans work, play, and learn (Kika). Energy Star continues to be a huge factor in energy conservation in the U.S today. A second program initiated by the EPA is Water Sense. Like Energy Star, Water Sense is a voluntary rather than a regulatory program. A more recent addition to the U.S, Water Sense was introduced in the summer of 2006 to protect the future of the U.Ss water supply. By educating the public on how to efficiently use the limited water available, Water Sense has been successful in conserving resources, limiting consumption, and saving U.S consumers money. Water Sense products include efficient toilets, faucets, and showerheads. Products that bear the Water Sense label are 20 percent more water efficient than the other products in their category. Since its creation in 2006, Water Sense has reported the program has helped consumers save a cumulative 46 billion gallons of water and $343 million in water and sewer bills (Program Accomplishments). Water Sense strives to help not only the average American consumer, but also businesses and corporations across the country conserve water. Manufact urers of brands like recent additions KB Homes and Moen have contributed to the Water Sense movement by raising their standards and meeting the Water Sense conservation requirements. Another vital program initiated by the EPA concerns fuel economy. The EPA and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) require labels displaying fuel economy information on new cars and light-duty trucks (Fuel Economy). By providing easy to read labels, cars and trucks can be easily compared for maximum miles per gallon efficiency (MPG). The EPA and NHTSA work to update these labels to provide consumers with the simplest energy and environmental comparisons between all vehicles types including electric vehicles (EV), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV), and conventional gasoline/diesel vehicles (Fuel Economy). These labels contain new information such as ratings on fuel economy, greenhouse gas emissions, and other air pollutants, onto the label as required by the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007 (Fuel Economy). By providing details like these, consumers can conveniently scan and compare fuel economy and energy use of new cars and trucks to mak e the most sensible and economical decision. All three programs; Energy Star, Water Sense, and efforts with fuel economy all prove a step in the right direction for energy conservation and preservation in the U.S. The EPAs initiative and constant work to create modern and convenient products for the U.S consumer promote a better tomorrow for the environment and the health of our nation. Although the EPA has contributed tremendously to the preservation of our nations climate and health, the agency has been confronted with controversy. One specific instance of this was after the September 11th attacks in Lower Manhattan in New York City. The true air quality and health risks following the attack were disputed among government officials. At the center of it all was EPA Administrator Christie Todd Whitman. In a news article reporting the controversy it was stated that In a Sept. 13, 2001, press release, the EPA said the air around the disaster site was relatively safe (Barrett). This struck controversy after a series of health issues including was called the Ground Zero illness flooded victims and officials involved in the 9/11 attacks. The EPA played a key role in the nations response to the terrorist attacks including monitoring of air, water and dust for potential environmental hazards, the vacuuming of debris and dust from streets and other outdoor spaces in Lower M anhattan, the manual disposal of hazardous waste from the WTC site, the creation of an online database to report monitoring results to the public and press, setting up wash stations and providing protective equipment for recovery workers, and the development of cleaning and testing programs for indoor residences in Lower Manhattan (EPA Response to September 11). Despite these efforts, the EPA was still struck with a series of questions and hearings from the government and public as to the true condition of the air quality that September day. Some five to seven years after even the EPA was continued to be questioned as to the condition and experience of their employees and scientists and the condition of their political leadership. In a 60 Minutes special, former EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman spoke and defended the EPA and criticized NYC authorities for not enforcing proper safety regulations for the workers. The Environmental Protection Agency has given new hope to the word environment in America. By promoting green living, sustainability, conservation, and preservation, the EPA has given Americans a chance to save the nation for future generations. Initiating programs such as Energy Star, Water Sense and efforts with fuel economy, the EPA has proven they are committed to promoting health and well being in America. Even with rapid chance among the U.S, the EPA has jumpstarted legislation to combat the waste and pollution in the country and on earth. Legislation including the Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, and efforts to reduce hazardous waste has proven the EPAs success across the nation. Even met by controversy, the EPA has held a tight grip on regulation and conservation throughout the country, and will continue to hold on for future generations. Furthermore, the EPAs mission has been to protect. An agency dedicated to conservation and preservation has rooted itself in American societ y. Without the Environmental Protection Agency, not only would America have a bigger mess on their hands, but as our health would be at risk as a nation as well.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

Introduction The relationship among human personalities and social media addiction has both attract attention of not just psychologists but the public as well. Human personalities Social media can be use in both healthy and unhealthy ways depending on the individuals, whether are making use social media to its potential or abusing the right one have causing addiction towards social media making it having similar side effects as substance addiction. Aim of this literature review is to discuss human personalities with the Big Five Personalities Traits as the base of personalities towards the usage social media addiction would either be benefiting or marginalising each individual. Human personalities Studies of human personality has brought great influence and impact towards our society describing how we behave, perceive and state how each person is different from others. The Big Five Personalities Traits is describe as openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism known to be sufficient measure and the base of describing a person personality stated by many psychologists ( McCrae, R. R., & Costa, P. C., Jr. 1987 ; Costa, P. T., & McCrae, R. R. 1992) Social media addiction Social media is a massive technological publisher spreading news, discoveries and information through the internet, due to it allows people to connect not affected by time or distance, people can form relationship, business negotiating, political and especially for personal usage, making it to become extremely popular. Social media addiction known as one of the major problems that prevent people from face to face interaction while people are mainly focused on technology devices, is affecting not just youngsters but elders can be also ad... along with others which makes them unconcerned of others and less likely to extend themselves. Neuroticism Neuroticism is described as the tendency to experience unpleasant emotions easily such as anger, anxiety, depression, or vulnerability. Neuroticism also refers to the degree of emotional stability and impulse control and is sometimes referred to by its low pole, "emotional stability". ( Ehrenberg, Jukes, White, &Walsh , 2008) reported that people who is high in neuroticism had greater instant messaging use, because instant messaging provides additional time for individuals to contemplate their responses making neurotic people are more at ease comparing to face-to-face interaction. Individuals are low in neuroticism are less easily upset and are less emotionally reactive. They tend to be calm, emotionally stable, and free from persistent negative feelings

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Conflict ‘Romeo and Juliet’ Essay

How important is the theme of conflict in the play Romeo and Juliet? Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, is the most famous love story in English literature. However love isn’t the only theme that runs through the play. Shakespeare makes this typical love story more striking when he pits the romance in the context of family feuds, fights and deaths. The issue of conflict is as central to this play as the issues of love/honour/betrayal and death. It should come as no surprise that Shakespeare would include conflicts in this play as otherwise the play would simply be a dull statement on teenage love. Adding the conflicts highlights the tensions that the teenagers feel between their attachments to their own families and each other. Also, adding the conflict is important for dramatic effect. We see this clearly in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet but also see it in many modern forms of storytelling, such as film. The film ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ is another example of two star-crossed lovers struggling to be together against their family’s wishes. The conflict in the film is between brothers, but also with others outside the characters immediate families. The dramatic effect of the conflict has the audience on the edge of their seat, willing the pair to escape their terrible lives of abuse and live happily ever after. Slumdog is Romeo and Juliet for the 21st Century.As in Shakespeare’s play, in Slumdog the audience are told what will happen in the story by way of a prologue The prologue in Romeo and Juliet tells the audience the story and the ending (the two lovers will mend their family feuds by taking their own lives) â€Å"From forth the fatal loins of these two foes. A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life. .† The prologue is an unusual storytelling device as it reveals the end of the story at the beginning. But it also draws the audience is to know why the lovers take their own lives and the audience remains shocked by that event, despite being warned about it. In Bas Learhmann’s film the audience is surprised when Juliet wakes from her sleep to find Romeo lying dead next to her. Her reaction of killing herself is a shocking ending to the film (play) despite the audience knowing what is coming. In Shakespeare’s prologue the  Chorus describes two noble households in the city of Verona. The houses hold an â€Å"ancient grudge† against each other that remains a source of violent and bloody conflict. The audience are told that the families live in â€Å"Fair Verona† and who the main characters in the play are. So within a few minutes of the play commencing the audience (reader) is primed with enough information to generate an interest to read on. The first scene comes immediately after the prologue and Shakespeare commences the scene with two Capulet servants (Sampson and Gregory) who talk about the conflict between the two family’s. It is interesting that even though they are servants (â€Å"Slaves†) they say that the family’s feud is their feud: The quarrel is between our masters and us their men It is important to remember that the play is written at a time when servants were obliged to honour their masters, and that included laying down their life for their ‘betters’. The tone of the conversation between the two servants replicates the conflict that we hear about in the prologue. Shakespeare has established a thread for the reader to follow here. The violence of the conflict is clear when the two servants talk of what they will do to the Montague women once they defeat the Montague men. Brutalising the women of a defeated enemy is something that has happened throughout history. True; and therefore women, being the weaker vessels, are ever thrust to the wall: therefore I will push Montague’s men from the wall, and thrust his maids to the wall The public brawl started by Tybalt is joined by members of both families, including the Montague and Capulet ‘fathers’. Seeing old enemy (Montague) Capulet says to his wife: My sword, I say! Old Montague is come, And flourishes his blade in spite of me. The street fighting and hatred between the Capulets and Montagues is only one form of conflict in Shakespeare’s play. Shakespeare’s writing about conflict extends to Juliet’s family too. In Act 3 Scene 5 Juliet is told  by her mother that she will marry. Juliet’s unhappiness at this arranged marriage (she is told to report to the church on Thursday) leads to a conflict with her father who calls her a ‘young baggage and disobedient wench’. The family conflict repeats one faced by some young women whose husbands are chosen for them. This cultural obligation is also made clear by Juliet’s mother when she says to Juliet that by the age of 14 (Juliet’s age at the time of the play) she was already pregnant with Juliet. The tradition of marrying girls off young, and to wealthy older men, has largely been overcome in some communities, however, in others it still creates tension. Sometimes with tragic outcomes. The theme of conflict is important in this play because it reflects the type of social conditions that existed at the time that Shakespeare wrote his play. It is interesting that although our social conditions have changed, the underlying themes and circumstances here could apply to our society today. Young, violent, men fighting over territory/honour and (like Tybalt) being killed in the crossfire. Shakespeare’s decision to talk about the unfairness of Juliet’s father’s insistence that she marry, may be a brave attempt to raise the issue of forced marriage. But, alternatively, it could also be seen as a source of gaiety and merriment for the Shakespearean audience. Despite some really difficult language, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is a play that transcends time in terms of its underlying themes. This makes the play as relevant now as it was when it was first played.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Coca-Cola vs Pepsi

Coca Cola and Pepsi are the two most popular and widely recognized beverage brands in the United States. Pepsi and Coca Cola contrast each other on their taste, its associated colors and themes, and ingredients. Coca-Cola and Pepsi differentiate in more ways than one. Coca-Cola has more of a coke flavor taste. It is fizzier than that of Pepsi. It is smoother going down, and after about six hours it changes flavor and becomes more watery and bitter. When you drink it doesn’t feel as hard on your teeth as Pepsi.Pepsi on the other hand has a sweeter taste than that of Coca Cola due to the addition of artificial sweeteners and leaves a mild chemical taste after you drink it. When drinking Pepsi compared to Coca Cola, Pepsi tends to have a more â€Å"fruity† taste to it. Additionally when drinking Pepsi the bubbles maintain all the way down your throat. If left sitting out for six hours Pepsi becomes stronger in flavor. By way of color, Coca-Cola is red, a warmer color and P epsi is blue, a cooler color. The color trademarks indicate the particular culture about the product.Coca-Cola openly uses themes involving family, love, Christmas, and hospitality because they suggest warmness. As a matter of fact, it has found its way through holidays particularly valentine’s days, national and patriotic holidays and sports. Even white bears were used to advertise the product! This is the usual theme commonly used for Coca-Cola. For Pepsi, since it started later than the Coca-Cola, they had to think of a better way to distinguish itself from then popular brand, and the best choice was blue.As a result, from starting out with the opposite color, they had to continue with everything else about Coca-Cola. Blue became the basic theme of Pepsi. Unlike Coca-Cola, everything in the Pepsi website indicated the cooler color. On the Pepsi website they claim that everything is blue and new! The modern trend has been what Pepsi uses to target teenagers. Coca-Cola and P epsi have a lot of the same ingredients. Although Coca-Cola claims they do not have sugars in their soda so the sugar must come from the other ingredients.Coca-Cola contains carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, caramel color, Phosphoric Acid, Caffeine, and Natural Flavoring. Pepsi contains carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, caramel color, phosphoric acid, caffeine, citrus acid, sugar and natural flavoring. The difference in ingredients of Coca-Cola and Pepsi is the amount of sugar, citrus acid, and amount of caffeine. In conclusion to the taste of the two sodas, their colors, themes, and ingredients Coca-Cola and Pepsi are comparable in many other ways than that mentioned!